Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome to the Petri Dish

Welcome to the Petri Dish. AKA, my house. {And fair warning, you should stop reading here if bodily fluids gross you out.}

Everyone warned me that when Henry started preschool, the germs would soon follow. I mentally prepared myself for some sniffles or maybe even a cold come wintertime. But on the second day? Seriously?

Yeppers. My little man is sick.  As in I'm up to my eyeballs in snot, boogers, and 4 poopy diapers by lunch kind of sick. And don't even get me started on the whining.

I feel so sorry for him. His little body is already out of whack from getting up early for school. All I want to do is baby him and snuggle while he stays in his pj's and watches Olivia reruns all day. But I can't.

You guessed it. Poor baby girl is sick too.  Her very first cold. The first of many I'm sure, but it still breaks my heart. When they are this little they can't tell you what hurts. All I can do is offer her half of my lap and some saline drops.

And so tonight, while they are both snoring in their cribs {lord willing, they will both actually sleep tonight} I will be drinking some medicine of my own.  The kind that comes in the extra large bottle.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

WW: Love in the Fast Food Lane

It isn't often that the hubs and I get to sit down to a meal together, much less actually eat the meal without interruptions. Well today was my lucky day because he was able to sneak away from work for a quick lunch date at home.

And while it was nothing more than fast food, the babies were actually napping at the same time {which rarely happens} and I had a very sweet lunch date with my favorite guy. Heart shaped chicken nugget included.

*linking up with:


Monday, August 27, 2012

Minivan Mafia

I have to be upfront about something. I have a minivan phobia aversion.
I can't count the number of times I've been told how practical they are and what a dream they are to drive. And literally, with the exception of two women that have older children, every single mom in my neighborhood owns one. {I secretly refer to them as the minivan mafia.}

I mean don't get me wrong. I will be the first to admit that I have days where the idea of banishing my teenager to the way back sounds like a little slice of heaven. And those automatic sliding doors? *Drool*

But something about them makes me break into a sweat every time we walk into the car dealership to look at them. Maybe it's because to me they scream "Hey look at me, I'm a mom!"? {Umm hello, did my sloppy gray t-shirt covered in baby snot not give it away?} Is it because the sales guy keeps referring to them as kid carriers and people movers? Or maybe it's because they look like giant rolling boxes of sheet metal to me.  Whatever the case, I just can't get excited about driving one.

But here's the thing. Since having baby #3, our SUV just isn't big enough for our family of 5. It has become obvious that it's time to trade up for something bigger. And so I set out on mission-impossible to find something...anything...that the whole family could fit in comfortably without sacrificing my ego. The Acadia? My fancy double stroller won't fit in the back. The Pilot? My oldest daughter has to do serious acrobatics to climb over the second row seat since we have 2 in car seats. The Suburban? Gas Guzzler. Sigh...

And so, while I may go down kicking and screaming, it appears that I too may soon be joining the ranks of the minivan mafia. Drop down DVD players with wireless head sets, back seat tables, and 15 cup holders be damned.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Potluck Sunday: Chocolate Eclair Cake

This is one of my go to dessert recipes. It's always a big hit at get-togethers and it's super quick and easy to make. {bonus points for no baking involved} Enjoy!

  • 1 box of graham crackers
  • 2 (3.4 oz package) vanilla instant pudding mix
  • 3 cups of whole milk
  • 1 (8 oz) container of Cool Whip
  • 1 (16 oz) container of dark chocolate frosting


  1. Line the bottom of a 9 x13 pan with graham crackers.
  2. Combine pudding mix and milk. Whisk for 2 minutes.
  3. Add Cool Whip to the pudding and stir until well blended.
  4. Spread ½ of pudding mixture over the graham crackers.
  5. Top with another layer of graham crackers and pudding mixture.
  6. Top with a final layer of graham crackers.
  7. Spread frosting* over the top layer of graham crackers.
  8. Cover and refrigerate until served. (If time allows, refrigerate overnight)
  * I microwave my frosting for 15 seconds to soften it before spreading. Just make sure to  
     remove all of the tin foil seal.

Introducing Potluck Sunday

Living in the South, Sunday Potluck Suppers are a way of life. They serve as a way to make new friends and bring old ones together over yummy food and friendly conversation. To me, they evoke a sense of fellowship and community not just in the South, but among churches and neighborhoods everywhere.

In keeping with the spirit of community that is alive and well here in the blogosphere, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite recipes that I've collected over the years. From appetizers to desserts and everything in between, all of the recipes are easy to make for busy moms on the go {and because Julia Child, I am not!}  And so with that, I introduce Potluck Sundays here at Pushing the Lemons. Dig in!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Caroline is 6 Months Old!

Happy ½ Birthday Sweet Caroline! {OK so she's technically 6 ½ months but I can explain} Time is flying by and I'm trying so hard to enjoy every moment and cherish every milestone because she's my last baby. {I'm 99.9% sure about that but I've learned to never say never!} 

I'm honestly not sure where the time has gone. Just yesterday it was Valentine's Day and we were bringing home the sweetest gift of all. Fast forward 6 months and she's an eating, teething, squealing machine and our house will never be the same. 

This update is late because 1. I'm slack. and 2. She was just not having any part of posing for pictures. This was my third and final attempt and, as you can see, she was more interested in eating her onesie than smiling for the camera.  
 Checkout that fauxhawk!
Weight: 17.6 pounds. Holy moly that's a big baby in our family! {Anna weighed 18 lbs at 12 months for comparison}
Sleeping: Mostly through the night. Woop! After a late bottle, she usually snoozes from 10:00-7:30AM except for the occasional morning when she decides she's starving around 5:30. Those feedings fall on Daddy's shift.
Naps: Finally into a regular morning nap routine from about 11:00-12:00 but the afternoon naps are still hit or miss. Hoping the "dozing" becomes napping soon.
Eating: Formula 3x's a day and baby food for breakfast and dinner. Starting to venture away from just oatmeal banana cereal. Lately she's loving sweet potatos and pears.
Teeth: 2 bottom teeth already!  All of my babies have been early teethers. And lemme tell you she's teething like a mad woman!
Activities: Up on all fours but no crawling just yet. She's still a little wobbly when trying to sit alone but she prefers to "stand" while we support her. She hates the Bumbo and loves her Exersaucer.
Talking: Still early for that but lot's a babbling going on and I swear she's saying "Dada."


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Not So Wordless Wednesday: Dear World

      Dear World,

My young son starts to school today...It's going to be sort of strange and new to him for awhile, and I wish you would sort of treat him gently. You see, up to now he's been king of the roost...He's been boss of the backyard...His mother has always been near to soothe his wounds and repair his feelings.
But now things are going to be different.

This morning he's going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand, and start out on the great adventure...It is and adventure that might take him across continents, across oceans...It's an adventure that will probably include wars and tragedy and sorrow...To live his life in the world he will have to live in, will require faith and love and courage.

So, World, I wish you would sort of look after him...Take him by the hand and teach him things he will have to know.
But do it gently, if you can.
He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just, that all men are not true.
But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero...that for every crooked politician there is a great and dedicated leader...Teach him that for every enemy, there is a friend.
Steer him away from envy, if you can...and teach him the secret of quiet laughter.

In school, World, teach him it is far more honorable to fail that to cheat...Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone says they are wrong...Teach him to be gentle with gentle people and tough with tough people.
Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on the bandwagon...Teach him to listen to all men - but teach him also to filter all he hears on a screen of truth and take just the good that siphons through.
Teach him, if you can, how to laugh when he's sad...Teach him there is no shame in tears...Teach him there can be glory in failure and despair in success.


Treat him gently, World, if you can, but don't coddle him...Because only the test of fire makes fine steel...Let him have the courage to be impatient...Let him have the patience to be brave.
Let him be no other man's man...Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself.
Because then he will always have sublime faith in mankind.
This is quite and order, World, but see what you can do...He's such a nice little fellow, my son!

-Dan Valentine

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Chasing Superwoman

I suppose it was a moment that has been months in the making {6 to be exact.} What started out as an innocent trip to meet the teacher at Henry’s new preschool ended in a puddle of tears. 

I was a little nervous going in that Henry would be a little clingy since up until this point in his life, he’s stayed at home with me. Much to my relief, he marched right into the classroom without skipping a beat.  His new teacher is AWESOME and she put him {and me} at ease right away. Everything was going splendidly until the parent folders were handed out.  Inside I found the 2 page school supply list, class snack calendar, a fundraising committee sign up, parent homework assignment, field trip volunteer form, and a 1 inch thick stack of papers to fill out by yesterday. Did I mention that he's two, people!  It was just one thing too many.

I didn't tell her it was too much or ask any questions. I just smiled and nodded and swallowed hard. The second the car door closed, I felt my eyes burn and then begin to water. It wasn’t long before my tears turned into full blown sobs. Right there in the parking lot.

It was such an out of character reaction from me.  I mean, call me what you want, but I am not a crier. But the stress of the past 6 months…the stress of being a full time student, a good friend, a better wife, trying to lose the baby weight, and being a mommy of 3…finally got the best of me. 

I’ve had way too much on my plate lately. Let’s be honest, the sleep deprivation alone that comes with having a newborn is enough to send anyone over the edge.  I am not Superwoman, and it's exhausting to try.

My to-do list is a mile long. My house isn't clean. {At this point, I'd settle for sanitary} My kids don't get a bath every night.  Heck, we don't even have a proper bedtime routine most nights. My husband doesn't get the attention he deserves. My own school work isn’t my best effort, I'm just doing enough to get by.

The point is, I know I could be doing a better job. But lately all I can muster is a good enough. Right now, I spend my days just trying to catch my breath. I drink my coffee in the shower. I read my emails while brushing my teeth. By the time I get out of the house I've been up for three hours and haven’t sat once.
But the thing is, I have dreams and goals. I have plans. I know where I want to go but sometimes I feel like I’m swimming upstream to get there.

And along with that comes feelings of guilt because all of the things that pull me in fifty different directions are the things that I've sacrificed for. That I've worked for. That I love.

I want it all. I want time with my kids and time for myself. And most days there aren't enough hours in the day for both. But they win. Every single time. And I'm okay with that because deep down, I know that there will come a day when they won't need me as much. One day they will grow up to chase dreams of their own. Until then, I'll keep drinking my coffee in the shower. After all, that’s what superwoman would do.  

Friday, August 17, 2012

Laughter is the Best Medicine

It doesn't seem possible, but baby girl turned 6 months old this week. {monthly update coming soon!} Her little cheeks are the yummiest things I have ever seen- I could seriously just eat them up.

Today, she belly laughed for the very first time! I mean she's giggled for us, but today she laughed and there are simply no words to describe that feeling. So there I was, right in the middle of a stressful morning, laughing through my tears and trying my hardest to soak it all in.

I must say it has been different having another girl after being a boy mom. People warned me about this. Not that it's a bad thing, of course, but it's just different. This is my daughter. This is a little girl who will learn from me all that it means to be a woman. And for some reason I am slightly completely freaked out by this. I feel like I have a lot of work to do before I can be the example that she deserves. OMG! She's only six months old and she's already driving me to therapy!!

But that's only because I want so much for her...

I want her to be confident and strong.
I want her to be healthy and love her body.
I want her to respect herself.
I want her to respect her family.
I want her to respect the earth.
I want her to let me put giant bows in her hair.
I want her to let me comfort her when her heart is broken.
I want her to know I've been there too.
I want her to see the world.
And I want that world to be nice to her. Afterall, she is my baby girl.
I want her to be genuine,
and happy...

Always be happy sweet Caroline.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Mama's boy

Toddlers and grape jelly don't mix... 

...but I love this little grumpy face more than he'll ever know.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Siri it's just you and me, kid

I've been a late bloomer my whole life. I was slow to date, slow to choose a career path, and slow to settle down. So jumping on the whole iphone bandwagon was no exception. I was perfectly content with my trusty ol' circa 2003 flip phone until one fateful dip in the potty later, courtesy of Henry, I took the proverbial leap into the iworld .

It was true love.  Like a kid in a candy store, I downloaded apps to my heart's content. I facetimed my husband 15 times a day just because I could. I asked Siri philosophical questions about the meaning of life because it was cheap entertainment. But even in the most promising of relationships, things can change.

I knew I shouldn't have done it. That little voice in the back of my head told me not to. But I did. I put my iphone on the rear bumper of my car while I was loading up the kids and forgot about it. And right in the middle of my own driveway,  I ran over it. 

The cranky sales clerk at the Apple Store wasn't very amused with my story and quite frankly, neither was my husband.  But amazingly enough, my phone still worked! $150 dollars and one new screen later, my iphone was as good as new. But Siri hasn't been the same since the accident. Take for example when I asked her to text my friend and say, "Tell Chris Hey. Have fun!"

She just doesn't understand anything I say to her anymore. For weeks, I've been dealing with a temperamental phone because I've got over a year left to go on my contract before Verizon will sell me a new one without forking over my firstborn child.

Fast forward to this afternoon. It was very anticlimactic when I stood up from the sofa and dropped my iphone onto the hardwood floor. One little crack in the screen later and this is what I'm left with.

For the second time in less than a month, I've broken my phone. I can't make a call, answer a text, or read an email. No more instagram, mobile banking, or Diego musical missions. All I'm left with is Siri. It's just you and me kid, and it's going to be a long night!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Meet the Villagers

My life these days revolves around my 3 kiddos and I figured if I'm going to blog about 'em, they deserve their own formal introduction. So, without further adieu, I present to you the little people in my life I like to call the Villagers...

Some days {the teenage drama filled, nuclear meltdown before breakfast, the baby spit up on her third outfit kind of days} I refer to my kids as Angry Villagers.  The name actually started back when I was pregnant with my second. He was the most active little man ever! Even through my thick winter sweaters you could see my pregnant belly doing somersaults. It seriously looked like an alien had invaded my an angry villager was trying to escape! And the name just stuck. And let's face it, sometimes little kids can just seem, well, angry.  Luckily, most days they act more like the Village People. 

There's Anna:

My sweet little Anna Banana, or B for short. My about to be a teenager in less than a month. {although she's been acting like one for years} She's my firstborn and my wildly creative, artistic, free spirited little girl. I'm so incredibly proud of the young woman she's growing up to be.

And then there's Henry:

My little punkin' or Punky as we call him. My middle child and only boy. He's two years old and been such a serious little fella from the moment he entered the world. He's grumpy every single morning, he has a major crush on Olivia the pig, and he has his mommy's heart.  I already feel sorry for his future wife.

And baby makes three:

 My last baby. My sweet Caroline. We call her baby girl or BG for short. She's 6 months old and the sweetest, calmest, most precious baby I've ever met. {Which is such a relief because I can't comprehend having another like Henry} She never cries, never misses a meal, and I love every chunky inch of her!   

Life with three can be a little stressful at times and a whole lot of crazy, but I can't imagine my life any other way. They are absolutely the best things that ever happened to me and my tax return. {I kid, I kid}

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Welcome to my blog ya'll!

To all 3 people who are reading my blog so far, I just wanted to say Thanks and I'm glad you're here. I've been wanting to start a blog for a while but lack of time and blogging know-how kept me from getting started. Enter the fabulous Kelsey from Kreated by Kelsey who I found over on Etsy. She took my ideas and turned them into this bright and cheerful blog that I just love.

My daughter's lovely body art. Another story for another day.

So now that I've paid someone to design a blog for me, I have to actually blog about something. And I'd be lying if I didn't admit that this first post feels a little bit like flashing for beads at Mardi Gras {not that I've ever done anything remotely close to that because I'm way too shy, and just in case you missed my about me, I have 4 older brothers}. It's a little exciting but I also feel a little exposed. But how else am I supposed to remember what the heck I did yesterday if I don't write it all down? I hope you'll follow along as I muse about my sometimes chaotic but always amusing life with a teenager, a toddler, and a baby in tow.