Thursday, August 9, 2012

Welcome to my blog ya'll!

To all 3 people who are reading my blog so far, I just wanted to say Thanks and I'm glad you're here. I've been wanting to start a blog for a while but lack of time and blogging know-how kept me from getting started. Enter the fabulous Kelsey from Kreated by Kelsey who I found over on Etsy. She took my ideas and turned them into this bright and cheerful blog that I just love.

My daughter's lovely body art. Another story for another day.

So now that I've paid someone to design a blog for me, I have to actually blog about something. And I'd be lying if I didn't admit that this first post feels a little bit like flashing for beads at Mardi Gras {not that I've ever done anything remotely close to that because I'm way too shy, and just in case you missed my about me, I have 4 older brothers}. It's a little exciting but I also feel a little exposed. But how else am I supposed to remember what the heck I did yesterday if I don't write it all down? I hope you'll follow along as I muse about my sometimes chaotic but always amusing life with a teenager, a toddler, and a baby in tow.


  1. Thanks for the "shout out"! :) I'm excited to read your blog!

  2. Loving your blog design and look forward to watching your blog grow! Thanks for buying adspace on my blog :)

  3. Yay Jenny! Should be therapeutic for you and will bring some amusement too!! Love you.

  4. Hi Jenny! I love the look of your blog, and I like your writing style. I'll be looking forward to your posts. I have a 12 year old boy (who's nearly as tall as me and his voice is changing. Yikes!),and an 8 yr. old girl. I've been blogging for a little while, but still consider myself a newbie. I found you through Heather's blog. Mine is over here:

  5. Hey! Great to read your blog! We have a few things in common. : )

  6. Welcome to the blogging world! Hope you enjoy it!
