Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome to the Petri Dish

Welcome to the Petri Dish. AKA, my house. {And fair warning, you should stop reading here if bodily fluids gross you out.}

Everyone warned me that when Henry started preschool, the germs would soon follow. I mentally prepared myself for some sniffles or maybe even a cold come wintertime. But on the second day? Seriously?

Yeppers. My little man is sick.  As in I'm up to my eyeballs in snot, boogers, and 4 poopy diapers by lunch kind of sick. And don't even get me started on the whining.

I feel so sorry for him. His little body is already out of whack from getting up early for school. All I want to do is baby him and snuggle while he stays in his pj's and watches Olivia reruns all day. But I can't.

You guessed it. Poor baby girl is sick too.  Her very first cold. The first of many I'm sure, but it still breaks my heart. When they are this little they can't tell you what hurts. All I can do is offer her half of my lap and some saline drops.

And so tonight, while they are both snoring in their cribs {lord willing, they will both actually sleep tonight} I will be drinking some medicine of my own.  The kind that comes in the extra large bottle.



  1. The only thing more sad than one sick baby is two sick babies. I can relate as my boys are always sick together. Sorry about your kiddos. Hope they are feeling better soon. New follower via Two In Diapers.

  2. Oh I know that feeling! Hope everyone is better VERY soon {and I hope that cocktail was delish!}

    Happy to now be following you via Bloglovin', girl!

    1. Thanks and yes, my cocktail was extra delish last night! ;)

  3. My whole family has been sick. Blah. Hope y'all get well soon! Newest follower via Two in Diapers. Your blog is super cute! Check out mine if you get a chance =)

    Sarah @ Our Family of Three

    1. Thanks I'm so glad you checked out my blog. Can't wait to read yours too!

  4. Hilarious! We currently have two runny noses in our house too. Found you from the Mommy-Brain Mixer and so glad I did! Am now following you. ;0)

    1. Yep I think we will be buying Kleenex in bulk this year. Thanks for following me! :)

  5. We are going through running noses too. It is so hard when the little ones get sick.

    New follower from Mommy Mixer. Love for you to stop by and return the follow when you can ;)

  6. I am pretty sure that Braden will get sick instantly too when he starts preschool. He never got sick as a baby, which I attribute to breastfeeding, but it seems he already picks up every little bug out there - of the runny nose variety anyway!

    1. Henry was the same way...barely a sniffle until school started. Fun times ahead :)

  7. oh, they look adorable, snotty noses and all!! :))

  8. My 3 year old got sick immediately when he started preschool in March and of course my littlest did too. It was awful! Luckily though, at least for us anyway, it seems that his immune system has gotten stronger as he hasn't brought home the sickies in a long time. Hope they both get well soon! Thanks for linking up with us :)

    1. Thanks. I'm hoping that will be the case around here too. On the bright side, maybe Caroline will catch it all early and get it over with.
