Monday, August 13, 2012

Siri it's just you and me, kid

I've been a late bloomer my whole life. I was slow to date, slow to choose a career path, and slow to settle down. So jumping on the whole iphone bandwagon was no exception. I was perfectly content with my trusty ol' circa 2003 flip phone until one fateful dip in the potty later, courtesy of Henry, I took the proverbial leap into the iworld .

It was true love.  Like a kid in a candy store, I downloaded apps to my heart's content. I facetimed my husband 15 times a day just because I could. I asked Siri philosophical questions about the meaning of life because it was cheap entertainment. But even in the most promising of relationships, things can change.

I knew I shouldn't have done it. That little voice in the back of my head told me not to. But I did. I put my iphone on the rear bumper of my car while I was loading up the kids and forgot about it. And right in the middle of my own driveway,  I ran over it. 

The cranky sales clerk at the Apple Store wasn't very amused with my story and quite frankly, neither was my husband.  But amazingly enough, my phone still worked! $150 dollars and one new screen later, my iphone was as good as new. But Siri hasn't been the same since the accident. Take for example when I asked her to text my friend and say, "Tell Chris Hey. Have fun!"

She just doesn't understand anything I say to her anymore. For weeks, I've been dealing with a temperamental phone because I've got over a year left to go on my contract before Verizon will sell me a new one without forking over my firstborn child.

Fast forward to this afternoon. It was very anticlimactic when I stood up from the sofa and dropped my iphone onto the hardwood floor. One little crack in the screen later and this is what I'm left with.

For the second time in less than a month, I've broken my phone. I can't make a call, answer a text, or read an email. No more instagram, mobile banking, or Diego musical missions. All I'm left with is Siri. It's just you and me kid, and it's going to be a long night!


  1. Hi Jennifer! Found my way here thru A Sorta Fairytale blog, loving the look of your site. Time for an Otterbox or Lifeproof case for you!

    1. Sarah, I'm so glad you came over to say hello. :) And you are right, I see an Otterbox in my future!

  2. I just found you from Growing Up Geeky (on twitter) and I almost cried when I saw this. I think I would lose my mind if that happened. My phone is sort of like my coffee, it's a lifeline. I had my phone screen die once but I could still answer calls, just not make them...longest 3 hours of my life.
