Some days {the teenage drama filled, nuclear meltdown before breakfast, the baby spit up on her third outfit kind of days} I refer to my kids as Angry Villagers. The name actually started back when I was pregnant with my second. He was the most active little man ever! Even through my thick winter sweaters you could see my pregnant belly doing somersaults. It seriously looked like an alien had invaded my an angry villager was trying to escape! And the name just stuck. And let's face it, sometimes little kids can just seem, well, angry. Luckily, most days they act more like the Village People.
There's Anna:
My sweet little Anna Banana, or B for short. My about to be a teenager in less than a month. {although she's been acting like one for years} She's my firstborn and my wildly creative, artistic, free spirited little girl. I'm so incredibly proud of the young woman she's growing up to be.
And then there's Henry:
My little punkin' or Punky as we call him. My middle child and only boy. He's two years old and been such a serious little fella from the moment he entered the world. He's grumpy every single morning, he has a major crush on Olivia the pig, and he has his mommy's heart. I already feel sorry for his future wife.
And baby makes three:
Life with three can be a little stressful at times and a whole lot of crazy, but I can't imagine my life any other way. They are absolutely the best things that ever happened to me and my tax return. {I kid, I kid}
Your children are beautiful! Henry is the same age as my daughter Lennox and my nephew, Henry!