Sunday, September 30, 2012

Potluck Sunday: Snickers and Apple Salad

This is a perfect way to add some fresh picked fall apples to your menu. It will be the hit at your next potluck! 


  • 1 (16 ounce) container Cool Whip, thawed
  • 1 (3 1/2 ounce) box French vanilla instant pudding mix 
  • 4 large Granny Smith apples
  • 6 Snickers candy bars  

  1. Remove skin from apples if desired, and dice into small pieces. (you can leave them on for color)
  2. Slice the Snickers into bit sized pieces and set aside.
  3. Mix the dry pudding mix with the Cool Whip until well blended.
  4. Fold in the diced apples and Snickers.
  5. Refrigerate until serving.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Does this minivan make me look fat?

I'm not sure when or where my phobia of minivans began, {you can read all about that here} but I think that deep down I always kind of thought if I ever bought a minivan, I might as well buy a bumper sticker to go with it. You know, the one that says, “I gave up.”  Minivans kind of scream mom jeans and scrunchies to me. No thanks I scoffed. I'm too cool to drive one of those. I've still got it dammit!

Then one day last week our beloved but worn out SUV left me stranded in the carpool line at school and I knew that it was time. It was time to say goodbye to the car that we went on our first date in. The car that we drove away on our honeymoon in. The car that we brought our babies home from the hospital in. 

I know I told you all before that we test drove plenty of shiny, slick SUV's. And I fell in love with more than one of them. But for one reason or another, none of them quite fit our lifestyle. We needed a van.  It was time to do a little soul searching.

I mean maybe, just maybe, the fear I have held onto for years is really about my fear of getting older. My responsibilities. The lack of freedom to come and go as I please. You would think that getting married, or buying a house, or giving birth to 3 children would make me feel like a grown up. Nope. It was shopping for a minivan.

And being a grown up means getting past the coolness factor. I know that logically and financially, at this moment in our lives, driving a van makes the most sense for my family. So tonight, as I sit down to type this, there is a shiny new black minivan in my garage. And to be completely honest {a gazillion cup holders aside} it isn't as bad as I made it out to be in my head. So I'm vowing right here and right now to embrace my new minivan lifestyle. I may just wear a scrunchy in my hair for carpool tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Awkward Family Photos

This week I've been finally getting around to putting some of Henry's baby photos
into an album when I came came across this gem... glad we decided to hire a professional. *facepalm*  
* Linking up with

Monday, September 24, 2012

Caroline is 7 months!


Weight: 18.4 pounds and quickly growing out of 9 month clothes.

Sleeping: We went through a rough patch last month {after I shamelessly bragged about her sleeping through the night, of course} where she was waking 2-3 times during the night. Last night she only woke up once so I'm hoping things in the sleep department are turning around.

Naps: She has settled in to a two nap a day routine.  One hour long nap mid morning and another 2 hour nap in the afternoon = coffee and blog time for mama.

Eating: Still taking a bottle 3x's a day and baby food for breakfast and dinner. Loves all things orange {carrots, sweet potatoes, squash} and her skin is starting to show it. Eek! 

Teeth: 2 teeth and holding although at her last checkup the doc said she should be cutting her two front teeth any day now! 

Activities: Sitting up like a big girl and pulling brothers hair at every opportunity. She loves to look at herself in the mirror and hates tummy time.

Talking: Lots of new sounds these days. Her babbling has distinct Dada and Mama sounds and I have no doubts that she will be the talker of the group.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Potluck Sunday: Cookies & Cream Popcorn

With only 3 ingredients, this sweet treat is simple to make . It is also highly addictive. Consider yourself warned...


  • 1 bag popcorn, popped. {kettle corn or white}
  • 1 cup white chocolate chips 
  • 1 row of Oreo cookies


  1. Place the popped popcorn and Oreos in a large bowl.
  2. Heat the white chocolate chips in the microwave for 30 second and stir. Continue to heat in 15 second intervals, stirring in between, until melted and smooth.
  3. Drizzle the melted white chocolate over the popcorn & Oreo mixture and stir until evenly coated.
  4. Spoon the mixture onto a large sheet of wax paper in a single layer.
  5. Let the mixture cool and harden. Break into small pieces and serve.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Favorite Product Friday: Sally Hansen Salon Effects

This week I'm loving Sally Hansen Salon Effects nail polish strips. I was pretty skeptical about buying nail stickers but I was in a pinch because I had a work function to attend with my husband and no time for a professional manicure. {Let's be honest, I haven't had time for a real mani since Henry was born 2 years ago} I snagged these at Target for around $8 bucks and I have to admit I'm pretty darn impressed.

  • I'm on day 7 and my nails still look pretty darn good if I don't say so myself.   
  • There's zero drying down time. I could even apply 1 nail at a time, attend to baby girl, and then get back to doing my nails.
  • The application process was simple but a little time consuming on my first attempt. {but really quick in comparison to a trip to the nail salon and back}
  • There are a ton of color and pattern options to choose from but a few of them I felt like I'm a tad too old to sport.
  • The "Tu Tu Much" color that I used is a very natural light pink shade {think OPI Don't Touch My TuTu} that would work well on anyone.  

Day 6 and counting.

Overall, I'd have to say these are a great alternative to a professional manicure. Give them a try and let me know what you think!

The Naptime Review

Thursday, September 20, 2012

An Apology to My House

About a year ago, we bit the bullet and moved our growing family to the burbs. We found a great deal on a new construction in a family friendly neighborhood and we were beyond excited. When we first moved in, everything was so shiny and clean and new. And then two weeks later, Henry learned to walk.

In the beginning, aside from the usual scuffs and scratches that come with having a toddler, I was still able to maintain some semblance of cleanliness and order in the house. That is until sweet Caroline arrived 7 months later. Now, I fear that my shiny new house will never be quite the same and I owe it an apology of sorts.

Daily Devestation

I'm sorry that my husband only gets around to cutting the grass every other week. Our yard is the size of Texas and cutting it is a serious time commitment. Right now, he's lucky if he has time to bathe. 

I'm sorry that I wasn't smart enough to ask the builder to use a satin finish paint instead of the flat paint that we have throughout. {Let's just say that using a magic eraser on flat paint isn't so magical.}

Damn you Mr. Clean

I'm sorry that my teenage daughter left her acne cream on the carpet without the lid. Who knew that beige carpet could so easily be bleached to a perfect shade of peach?

I'm sorry that my toddler figured out how to remove the air vents from the floor and cram everything within his reach down them. They say nothing stops a Trane but they obviously haven't met him.

one service call later we discovered the cause of the rattle in our vent

I'm sorry that the baby gets a little overzealous at the site of  baby food and splattered a full jar of carrots all over the floor.  And the ceiling. And the walls with flat paint.

So house, even though you may be a little worse for the ware, we are raising our little family within your walls. We are cooking meals and hosting play dates here. We are celebrating birthdays and holidays and milestones here. We are living here and making memories to last a lifetime. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

So What Wednesday

   So WHAT...

...if I polished off the entire bag of Dove chocolates by myself.

...if I've worn workout clothes every day this week but haven't made it to the gym once.

...if I made my kids listen to Pink on the way to school this morning.

...if I Christmas shop for my kids while my younger 2 children are in the cart.

...My addiction to Pumpkin Spice Lattes has set me back $32 this week.

Now go Link up with Shannon ...


Monday, September 17, 2012

Searching For My Thing

Being a wife and a mom of three leaves very little room in my life for much else. Sometimes, I feel like I'm officially tapping into an empty pool. I know that I've said it before. I'm beat and tired and more stressed out than I've ever been in my entire wonderful life. But lately I've grown a little restless. I am still searching for my thing.

I secretly dream about finding a thing that isn't about anyone else. It would be something just for very own mountain to climb and conquer. You see, being a wife and mom isn't my thing- it's my life. It is my reason for being. Your thing should not be your reason for living- it should only add to the experience. My family will always come first- just so that is clear. But then there's my thing...

I've had several things in the past but none of them ever reached full "thing" status. They were more like little blips or blurbs along the way. They came and they went, and while they served a short term purpose, they were not my thing. 
If you asked me right now, I might say that blogging is my thing but there is so much to learn and improve upon. At this very moment, I am eager to keep working on it. But that's not to say that it won't change in two weeks when my creative energy shifts.

I want a thing that I get really really good at. Something that might teeter on obsession. {In a healthy way.} After my family responsibilities, I want to devote what little energy I have left to something that makes me proud of myself.
I have an idea for my thing but I admit that I am hesitant to share it with the three of you that read my blog. Hesitant because if I write it, it has the potential of becoming something else that I didn't do. Another thing that had wings but just never got off the ground. But there's a spark in me that I desperately want to explore. My new thing will be for me, yes. But the results would greatly benefit the people who mean the most to me. My new thing would allow me to find comfort in the fact that I did what I could do.  If the universe has other plans, well, I can't compete with that. But I would have the satisfaction of knowing that I gave it my all.

So I'm going to leave it at that. Maybe I won't announce it. Instead, I'll just try it without the pomp and circumstance and see where it takes me. And if it develops into a full fledged thing, others will take notice. But if it doesn't then that's ok too. 
 "There is no failure except in no longer trying. " ~ Elbert Hubbard

What about you, have you found your thing?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Potluck Sunday: Taco Soup

Fall is just around the corner and there is nothing better than a big bowl of hearty soup on a chilly day. This soup eats like a meal and is even better left over. 

  • 1 can kidney beans
  • 1 can pinto beans
  • 1 can stewed tomatoes
  • 1 can diced tomatoes (for extra heat you can substitute tomatoes w/ chopped green chilies)
  • 1 can yellow corn
  • 1 pkg powdered ranch salad dressing mix
  • 1 pkg powdered taco seasoning
  • 1 pound hamburger meat
  • Sour cream
  • Shredded cheddar cheese
  • Fritos Scoops

  1. Brown and drain ground beef in a large skillet.
  2. While meat is cooking, pour all beans, tomatoes, corn, dry ranch mix, and dry taco seasoning into a large pot, and mix well. Cook over medium heat. 
  3. Once meat has been browned and drained add it into the pot.
  4. Cook until heated through – you can simmer for just for a few minutes or longer if time allows.
  5. Serve in a bowl and top with sour cream and cheese.  Eat with the Frito Scoops.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Funny Thing Happened in the Bathroom

A funny thing happened to me in the bathroom tonight.  It' s not what you're thinking. I didn't accidentally tuck my dress into my panties or worse, find myself in a stall without toilet paper and be forced to *ahem* drip dry.  Instead, I found myself in a crowded tourist trap restaurant ladies room trying to change not 1, but 2 poopy diapers. 

Did I mention that the bathroom was the size of a shoe box and lacked air conditioning? And that due to poor planning on my part, it was way late and my children were starving and screaming? {We're talking back arched, spaghetti armed tantrums here} To make matters worse, when the changing table was unfolded, it blocked the doors to both stalls making it impossible for the poor women trapped inside to escape. So there I was, holding up the entire line in the bathroom. But no one grumbled a single complaint or gave me a sideways glare. Instead, complete strangers offered sympathetic smiles and one sweet soul even offered to hold the baby while I wrestled with Henry and cursed the adorable jumper I made him wear instead of shorts and a t-shirt. That's when it hit me.

Motherhood is a club. We have an unspoken connection with other woman simply because we are mothers.  Sometimes we swap stories about the joys, triumphs, trials and tantrums. Other times we catch each other’s eye and share a brief glance of recognition before parting ways. 

In the middle of a crowded ladies room, I was reminded that it’s about so much more than finally finding a club where I fit in. Motherhood is a community of women bound together by a shared journey. This community has welcomed me with open arms and for that, I am forever grateful. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Every Last Drop

This week we are...
Soaking up...
 Every last drop...

...of Summer Fun!

* Linking up with

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mini Blogiversary

It's a mini milestone of sorts for me. I've officially been blogging for a month now. 

Starting my own blog is something that I have wanted to do for a really long time but I didn't have a clue where to start.  Instead of taking a step outside my comfort zone,  I made excuses...not enough time, nothing to write about, blah blah blah. It was my sweet husband who nudged me along and encouraged me to go for it. It turns out, I actually have a lot to say, and while I know that a month is such a short amount of time, I have already learned so much. Here are just a few of the things I've come to realize over the past few weeks.

  • The difference between a ( and a {.  I seriously had no idea. Besides how to use alt key codes, I've learned how to install gadgets, a tiny bit of html, and that I'm dangerous with a little picmonkey and microsoft paint.

  • Blogs are like houses. You settle into them. You move stuff around.  You decorate to suit your tastes and introduce yourself to the neighbors.

  • Blogging is addictive. It's quickly become my new obsession. As in the I should probably  take a pill for that kind. I spend so much time reading blogs, commenting on them, and thinking about ideas for my own, that every time my husband or kids does something slightly embarrassing they ask "Are you going to blog about that?" 

  • My Blog has a split personality. My writing seems to have taken on two very different personalities. Sometimes it's sarcastic, other times sentimental and sweet. I hope as I grow as a writer, they will meld together to reflect who I am as a wife and mom.

  • Blog envy is a real condition. There are blogs that have better pictures {umm hello camera envy!}, are better organized, and their writing is so much funnier, wittier, get my point.  I know it's not a competition, but I just want to grow my blog into the best that it can be. 

  • The Blogosphere is a community. I had no idea what an awesome community of women was out here. I have loved reading different blogs, hearing your stories, and getting to "know" some of you over comments and emails. I have been blown away by all of the support and encouragement people are eager to share and I look forward to sharing my own stories with you and making new friends along the way.   

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Potluck Sunday: Marinaded & Grilled London Broil

It's the perfect time of year to fire up the grill before the cold weather arrives. This simple marinade recipe has been in my family for years. It takes a basic cut of meat and turns into a mouthwatering meal your family will love.


  • 1 (1½ lb.) London Broil
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • ½ cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • ½ cup soy sauce
  • ¼ cup red wine (whatever red you have around the house)
  • 1 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1 tbsp. minced garlic


  1. Mix all of the ingredients together.
  2. Pour over meat and refrigerate for 8 hours or longer, turning once.
  3. Grill over low heat until desired doneness.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dear Karma

Dear Karma,
I take it all back. I really do. All of the times I laughed at the moms who told stories about their children not sleeping through the night?  I was seriously kidding.

After months of bragging on my precious baby girl who was sleeping like a champ, she's decided to make a liar out of me. Caroline is not only not sleeping through the night anymore, she doesn’t sleep more than three hours at a time. Ever. {OK, that’s not completely true, she did have one four hour stretch one night when I kept her up until 10:00 but then she was up on the hour, every hour, until I cried Uncle and got up for good at 5:00.}
I'm truly at a loss as to what to do about it. I let her cry it out, I comfort her, I give her the paci, I give her a bottle. Nothing is doing the trick. And Henry? Lately, he's been in on the action too.
They never wake up at the same time. No, it's more like a baton relay, where they take turns keeping me up, and then they hand off to the other with precise timing . Last night I think I got a combined total of two hours of sleep if you count the time I slept holding Henry on the couch. But who's counting?
Just when I thought I was finding my comfort zone as a mother of 3, you have humbled me.  I am sufficiently sleep deprived and bitchy. {There is no other way to put it nicely and I'm too tired to try.} So Karma, you win. I will never laugh at another sleep deprived mother again so long as I live. Now please, I'm begging you, let my children sleep tonight so that they may live to see another day.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Cheap Entertainment

Tank of gas to get to the Library book sale $3.59
Tank of gas Pumpkin Spice Latte for mommy $4.16
4 used books $1.00
Laughing so hard you pee your pants when your daughter shows you the book she bought?
Linking up with:

Monday, September 3, 2012

Fifty Shades of Red

I vowed a long time ago that I would never be that mom. You know the one I'm talking about. The mom who let's her kids run wild in a restaurant while she sits oblivious in the corner, chatting away on her cell phone. The mom whose children knock you down in the Target aisle because she is too absorbed in the sales paper to notice.

I mean, if anything, I fall a little too far on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm the mom who sweats at the mere thought of taking all 3 kids out for dinner for fear that they might actually behave like children. Gasp!

So this weekend, I put on my big girl panties and ventured to the mall with all 3 kids in tow. By myself. {I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but for a control freak me, it is.} And to my surprise, everyone was actually behaving themselves for a change. B was helping out with the baby and Punky didn't throw a major tantrum at the sight of the mall train. Our little outing was going way smoother than I had anticipated. 

* deep sigh of relief *

To reward the kids for their good behavior we grabbed some double doozies at the food court and made our way over to the Bounce Zone. B ran in one direction and Punky in the other while I sat with the baby, who by that time, decided that she had had enough of the stroller.

In the time it took me to bend down and unbuckle baby girl, this happened...

I'm not sure which was louder...the sound of kids screaming as they scrambled to escape the deflating bouncy castle or the devilish giggles coming from my toddler as he ran towards me, grinning from ear to ear. My face immediately turned fifty shades of red . Oh. Em. Gee. I wanted to die of embarrassment.

And I'm still not sure how he did it because I sure as hell didn't stick around long enough to find out. I did what any good mother would do...I scooped up my children and and ran as fast as I could for the exit.

Mommy=0  Kids=1 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Liebster Award

I've been nominated for a wha? That's what I said when I opened my inbox.
Adventures of the Triple B's gave me a Liebster award! {Go check out her blog for some fantastic parenting tips and advice!} It's an award of recognition that is given out to new bloggers from other bloggers. Basically, it's a nice pat on the back and I am flattered. Actually, it pretty much knocked my socks off!

I was asked a few questions that I'd love to answer for ya'll!

1. What is your favorite food to make?
  I don't consider myself a wonderful cook so I'd have to say anything in the crock pot. It's  
  usually good and kind of hard to screw up.   

2. What does your desk look like right now?
 A hot mess. Between my school work and the kids school projects, I fear I may never see 
 it's surface again.

3. If you had to give your child one important piece of advice right now, what would it be?
  Dream Big and chase them with all of your heart.

4. What makes you laugh?
  I've said it before but it's true. My kids are the funniest people I have ever met. Their brutal 
  honesty and simplistic views on life crack me up on a daily basis.
5. What is your favorite color?
   Blue. Navy blue, sky blue, Benjamin Moore sea salt blue...I don't discriminate.
6. What is your favorite season and why?
   Spring. My birthday, my son's birthday, Mother's Day, My Anniversary, and Father's Day 
   all fall within 6 weeks of each other at our house so it's like one big extended holiday.

7. What do you do to calm down after an insane day?
   Drink wine. Take a bath. Repeat as needed.

8. Where do you love to shop at most?
   Target. I can grab lip gloss and diapers in one stop.

9. What is your favorite blog to read?
   That's a tough question because there are so many. Lately, I'm loving Growing up Geeky 
   and Jess and the Boys .

10. What does home mean to you?
   It's my happy place. It's the place where my kids are growing up and memories are being 

11. What is your favorite joke?
   What did the Sushi say to the Bee? Wassabee!?

I'm nominating the following blogs:

The Lewis Life
Big A little a
Our Happy Family
Nurse Loves Farmer

These blogs all caught my eye for different reasons. I loved their writing, or their design, or their photos, or all of the above. I encourage you to check them out!

Here are my 11 questions for them:
 1.  What made you decide to start a blog?
 2.  Best cure for writers block?
 3.  Do you have a nickname?
 4.  Are you a cat or dog person? {or neither}
 5.  Last movie you saw in a Theater?
 6.  What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
 7.  What was your first car?
 8.  What is your favorite blog to follow?
 9.  If you had to choose a last meal, what would it be?
10. Name something on your bucket list.
11. What is your favorite family tradition?

Okay, for those of you that I nominated, here are the rules. The Liebster Award is given to bloggers, by bloggers. It is a way to acknowledge each other and say, “You are doing a great job.” It is for blogs with 200 or less followers, so it is also a great way to spread the word about smaller blogs and get them more readers and followers! When you receive the award you post eleven random facts about yourself, and answer eleven questions from the person who nominated you. You pass the award onto other blogs, (make sure you let them know they were nominated.) and ask them eleven questions. You are not allowed to nominate the blog that nominated you. Now start nominating! :)

Potluck Sunday: Buffalo Ranch Chicken Dip

Just in time for football, this dip is a tailgate favorite. It combines the taste of buffalo chicken wings with creamy ranch and melted cheesy goodness. Best of all, no messy bones! It does have some "zing" to it, but it's not scorching hot...promise!

  • 1 large can of chicken, shredded {I sometimes substitute rotisserie chicken}
  • ¾ cup of hot sauce {Texas Pete or Frank's}
  • 1 ½ cups of shredded cheddar cheese
  • 8 oz package of cream cheese
  • 1 ranch packet


  1. Pre-heat oven to 350°
  2. In a large bowl, microwave cream cheese until soft. {about 30 seconds}
  3. Add chicken, hot sauce, shredded cheese, and ranch packet.
  4. Mix well and spread evenly into an 8x8 backing dish. 
  5. Bake for 15 minutes or until cheese is bubbly.
  6. Serve warm with your favorite tortilla chips. {Scoops work best}

* This recipe can easily be doubled and baked in a 13x9 pan.