Monday, September 10, 2012

Mini Blogiversary

It's a mini milestone of sorts for me. I've officially been blogging for a month now. 

Starting my own blog is something that I have wanted to do for a really long time but I didn't have a clue where to start.  Instead of taking a step outside my comfort zone,  I made excuses...not enough time, nothing to write about, blah blah blah. It was my sweet husband who nudged me along and encouraged me to go for it. It turns out, I actually have a lot to say, and while I know that a month is such a short amount of time, I have already learned so much. Here are just a few of the things I've come to realize over the past few weeks.

  • The difference between a ( and a {.  I seriously had no idea. Besides how to use alt key codes, I've learned how to install gadgets, a tiny bit of html, and that I'm dangerous with a little picmonkey and microsoft paint.

  • Blogs are like houses. You settle into them. You move stuff around.  You decorate to suit your tastes and introduce yourself to the neighbors.

  • Blogging is addictive. It's quickly become my new obsession. As in the I should probably  take a pill for that kind. I spend so much time reading blogs, commenting on them, and thinking about ideas for my own, that every time my husband or kids does something slightly embarrassing they ask "Are you going to blog about that?" 

  • My Blog has a split personality. My writing seems to have taken on two very different personalities. Sometimes it's sarcastic, other times sentimental and sweet. I hope as I grow as a writer, they will meld together to reflect who I am as a wife and mom.

  • Blog envy is a real condition. There are blogs that have better pictures {umm hello camera envy!}, are better organized, and their writing is so much funnier, wittier, get my point.  I know it's not a competition, but I just want to grow my blog into the best that it can be. 

  • The Blogosphere is a community. I had no idea what an awesome community of women was out here. I have loved reading different blogs, hearing your stories, and getting to "know" some of you over comments and emails. I have been blown away by all of the support and encouragement people are eager to share and I look forward to sharing my own stories with you and making new friends along the way.   


  1. It's a learned thing and you're doing great! First and foremost - always do it for you and try not to compare yourself to other blogs, though I know it's super hard!

  2. congratulations on one whole month! We love having you here!! I missed my one and two month anniversary...maybe I should do a three month anniversary before it's too late!

    1. Thanks Roshni, I have been having so much fun with it. You should definitely mark your 3 month anniversary!

  3. Congrats! You are doing fantastic for only being one month in. And the blog envy thing? Try to shake it! When I realized that other bloggers are friends rather than competition, it has been so much more fun :)

    1. Thanks Melissa! You have been so helpful to me and I have found great info over on your blog that has been a huge help for this newbie :)

  4. Great pic to go with this post and I can relate! I totally have camera/blog envy all the time! I just love blogging though and can be so addicted at times! I'm glad you are having fun with it. I always remind myself that if it ever starts to become tedious, than it's because I'm not doing it right :o)

    1. Thank you. And You are so right...if it becomes stressful then I 'm doing it for the wrong reasons. Good advice!

  5. Congrats! Love your blog and love following along day to day with you!

    1. You have been so encouraging to me and I appreciate it so much!

  6. Hi! Love your blog. I am following you from the blog hop. Will you follow back.
    Thank you.
    Patricia from Topiary Rose

  7. Way to Go! I've had a couple blogs over the past couple years, but now that my little is in preschool, I've been working on my new website.

    I found you from the blog hop. Feel free to visit my blog at
