Monday, September 3, 2012

Fifty Shades of Red

I vowed a long time ago that I would never be that mom. You know the one I'm talking about. The mom who let's her kids run wild in a restaurant while she sits oblivious in the corner, chatting away on her cell phone. The mom whose children knock you down in the Target aisle because she is too absorbed in the sales paper to notice.

I mean, if anything, I fall a little too far on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm the mom who sweats at the mere thought of taking all 3 kids out for dinner for fear that they might actually behave like children. Gasp!

So this weekend, I put on my big girl panties and ventured to the mall with all 3 kids in tow. By myself. {I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but for a control freak me, it is.} And to my surprise, everyone was actually behaving themselves for a change. B was helping out with the baby and Punky didn't throw a major tantrum at the sight of the mall train. Our little outing was going way smoother than I had anticipated. 

* deep sigh of relief *

To reward the kids for their good behavior we grabbed some double doozies at the food court and made our way over to the Bounce Zone. B ran in one direction and Punky in the other while I sat with the baby, who by that time, decided that she had had enough of the stroller.

In the time it took me to bend down and unbuckle baby girl, this happened...

I'm not sure which was louder...the sound of kids screaming as they scrambled to escape the deflating bouncy castle or the devilish giggles coming from my toddler as he ran towards me, grinning from ear to ear. My face immediately turned fifty shades of red . Oh. Em. Gee. I wanted to die of embarrassment.

And I'm still not sure how he did it because I sure as hell didn't stick around long enough to find out. I did what any good mother would do...I scooped up my children and and ran as fast as I could for the exit.

Mommy=0  Kids=1 


  1. Isn't it funny how they never do that stuff while you're looking, it's only in the 2 seconds that you look away that they accomplish what you never dreamed possible. And yet, when you look up at the destruction, there's no question in your mind that it was brought on by your child...

  2. Karen you are exactly right! And so true...there is NEVER a question about who did it :)

  3. Oh my goodness! I want to laugh because this sounds like a scene from a sitcom, but I would be mortified too! New follower via the GFC blog hop!

  4. Oh my! I don't know whether to laugh or be mortified with you. I guess laugh because it is a funny story, but be thankful it wasn't me. I'd do the same thing you did ... bolt for the door! I'm your newest follower from the blog hop. I am already loving your blog :) Check out my blog at totally_rachel and follow along :)

    1. Thanks for the follow and the compliment! I'll be sure to check out your blog too.

  5. hahhahah!! Just master the innocent expression and deny all charges!!

    1. Bahahaha! Where do you think he got those devilish giggles from?!

  6. Fun read! now you have a new follower in me! from the bloghop

  7. OMG I love your blog!! I was laughing so hard when I got to the part with the deflated bouncy house! Hilarious! When I saw the picture of your blog site on the blog hop, I just had to check it out! Newest follower from the GFC hop. Would LOVE it if you could visit and follow back! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I will and thanks! My toddler is such a's not hard to find good material to write about :)

  8. Loving your blog!! It is VERY nice to meet ya! Found you on the GFC today and I am excited to be your newest follower! Follow back if you happen to get a chance!

  9. Hahaha oh my goodness I would have been mortified! How the heck could he have possible done that? Did he mean to? Oh wow haha, I would have run out of there faster than a bat out of hell.

    Found you through the blog hop :)

    1. I have no idea but it literally took him 5 seconds flat to figure it out. Thanks for stopping by and saying hey!

  10. Thanks for stopping by I'll be sure to check out your blog too.

  11. Here from the blog the look of your blog!!

    ~ Lauren

  12. Such a cute blog.. I love the name of it too.

    I'm your newest follower from the GFC blog hop :)

    1. Glad you found me throuh the hop. You reminded me I need to write a post about how my blog got its name :)

  13. OMG!!!! Soo funny :) I love that you took the time to take a picture of it! lol

    New follower. Looking forward to following your blog!

    Brie @ Breezy Pink Daisies

  14. Hey! Just found your blog on the GFC hop and I love it! :) I'm your newest follower! I'd love if you could check out my blog!


    1. Thanks for saying hey and I'll definitely check out your blog.

  15. stopping by from the blog hop! you will have a super funny story to tell those kids one day :)

  16. Oh no!!!! Thats something I could totally picture my son Judah doing ha ha
