Thursday, September 20, 2012

An Apology to My House

About a year ago, we bit the bullet and moved our growing family to the burbs. We found a great deal on a new construction in a family friendly neighborhood and we were beyond excited. When we first moved in, everything was so shiny and clean and new. And then two weeks later, Henry learned to walk.

In the beginning, aside from the usual scuffs and scratches that come with having a toddler, I was still able to maintain some semblance of cleanliness and order in the house. That is until sweet Caroline arrived 7 months later. Now, I fear that my shiny new house will never be quite the same and I owe it an apology of sorts.

Daily Devestation

I'm sorry that my husband only gets around to cutting the grass every other week. Our yard is the size of Texas and cutting it is a serious time commitment. Right now, he's lucky if he has time to bathe. 

I'm sorry that I wasn't smart enough to ask the builder to use a satin finish paint instead of the flat paint that we have throughout. {Let's just say that using a magic eraser on flat paint isn't so magical.}

Damn you Mr. Clean

I'm sorry that my teenage daughter left her acne cream on the carpet without the lid. Who knew that beige carpet could so easily be bleached to a perfect shade of peach?

I'm sorry that my toddler figured out how to remove the air vents from the floor and cram everything within his reach down them. They say nothing stops a Trane but they obviously haven't met him.

one service call later we discovered the cause of the rattle in our vent

I'm sorry that the baby gets a little overzealous at the site of  baby food and splattered a full jar of carrots all over the floor.  And the ceiling. And the walls with flat paint.

So house, even though you may be a little worse for the ware, we are raising our little family within your walls. We are cooking meals and hosting play dates here. We are celebrating birthdays and holidays and milestones here. We are living here and making memories to last a lifetime. 


  1. Beautiful. Just beautiful.

    I often look at my hardwood floors and think, "They didn't have this many scuff marks on them before we moved in, did they?" And then I remember, oh yeah, we have two little kids and two dogs. Those floors were doomed.

  2. Haha! This post made me laugh. :)

    The house seems to be serving its purpose. ;)


  3. Oh my, I love this post! Your daily devastation looks a lot like ours. Poor house! Haha.

  4. Replies
    1. Having others admit their house is a wreck at the end of the day makes me feel a lot better. I clean all day long, I'm just not as fast as my toddler :)

  5. ha ha! it's funny cause it's true :) My house looks the same!

    new follower via the Mommy Brain Mixer!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Heidi. Most days I would absolutely die if a neighbor stopped by unexpectedly and saw the category 5 hurricane that struck our house.

  6. Sadly ... my room look like this when me kids pass through. And being a little OCD I find myself cleaning up after them all the time. I am following you now and would love a follow back.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jillian. Yes, it is a losing battle trying to clean up while the kids are awake because they are much faster than me :)

  7. I'm sure the house will appreciate being made into a home!! :))

  8. HAHA I seriously laughed out loud at the service vent and toys because my son did the same exact thing and I could not figure out why our air wasn't working properly. WELL when there is toys in almost every vent that he could get to that can cause a problem. I stopped over from the Mommy Brain Mixer I love your blog it is so warm and inviting. I decided to stay a while and follow you.
    Patricia @

    1. Thanks for stopping by and saying hey Patricia! I'm glad to know my toddler isn't the only one shoving toys into the air vents!
