Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dear Karma

Dear Karma,
I take it all back. I really do. All of the times I laughed at the moms who told stories about their children not sleeping through the night?  I was seriously kidding.

After months of bragging on my precious baby girl who was sleeping like a champ, she's decided to make a liar out of me. Caroline is not only not sleeping through the night anymore, she doesn’t sleep more than three hours at a time. Ever. {OK, that’s not completely true, she did have one four hour stretch one night when I kept her up until 10:00 but then she was up on the hour, every hour, until I cried Uncle and got up for good at 5:00.}
I'm truly at a loss as to what to do about it. I let her cry it out, I comfort her, I give her the paci, I give her a bottle. Nothing is doing the trick. And Henry? Lately, he's been in on the action too.
They never wake up at the same time. No, it's more like a baton relay, where they take turns keeping me up, and then they hand off to the other with precise timing . Last night I think I got a combined total of two hours of sleep if you count the time I slept holding Henry on the couch. But who's counting?
Just when I thought I was finding my comfort zone as a mother of 3, you have humbled me.  I am sufficiently sleep deprived and bitchy. {There is no other way to put it nicely and I'm too tired to try.} So Karma, you win. I will never laugh at another sleep deprived mother again so long as I live. Now please, I'm begging you, let my children sleep tonight so that they may live to see another day.


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry! :( Ethan (14 months) didn't start sleeping through the night until a year. I was so jealous of the other parents who told stories of their kids sleeping through the night from a few weeks onward. I really don't have any advice -- nothing worked for us, either...except time, and now he's sleeping like a champ (naptimes are another story). :( Hang in there!

    1. Thanks! The most frustrating part is that she WAS sleeping through the night at 6 weeks up until about a month ago. Now we can't go a single night without her being up all night. That's what I get for telling everyone what a great sleeper she was! :)

  2. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I feel for you: The Boy didn't sleep through the night until he was 11 months. I have no suggestions for you because I'm sure you've heard them all, and sometimes it's just a matter of finding what works or waiting 'til the "phase" is over.

    All I can say is: "this too shall pass..."

    Hang in there! xo

    1. That is my mantra!! But boy is my Keurig getting a workout lately! :)

  3. Oh man, I hope they start sleeping better for you soon! I don't know how you do it.

  4. Hi!

    I am stopping in from the GFC Hop on Tuesday. I love your layout!

    I hope you are having an awesome Friday! :)


  5. eeps! Are they sleeping a lot during the day time? Or, have you tried lots of activity (outside play) in the afternoon? I'm sure you've done this and a lot more, but just suggesting some tried and tested stuff! Really feeling bad....let me know if you need to talk more about this!

    1. Henry gets plenty of outdoor time between playing with boys in the neighborhood and preschool. The baby just settled into a 2 nap a day routine (usually for an hour each time) and you know what? That is when this started...about the time she started getting a good afternoon nap. You might be on to something! But man I hate to cut back on that time. The only quiet time of my day! :)

  6. Oh man. I'd like to say i don't have the same problem 2 month old still doesn't sleep through the night. That means I have not have more than 4 solid hours of sleep in over 2 years.

  7. That should have "21 month old"

    1. I was thinking 2 months isn't so bad! :) I'm right there with you. I've not really slept since my son was born in 2010...

  8. Yeah that's no fun! Any major milestones for either of them. I'm a fan of sleep training...always have that to fall back on, but it's certainly not for everyone!

    1. I have not heard of sleep training before but I'm headed straight to google to do a little research. I'm desperate! Thanks!

  9. I LOVE this blog!!! Right now, my issue is wishing Zeva would take a nap during the day!!! I need her to give me a break during the day from her needing constant attention. :) It will get better!!! (As you already know.)
    I love the comedian show. Thanks for the laugh!!!

    1. Thanks Crystal! It WILL get better it is just hard to see the bigger picture when you are in the middle of this stage. And that Jim Breuer is one funny guy!
