Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Funny Thing Happened in the Bathroom

A funny thing happened to me in the bathroom tonight.  It' s not what you're thinking. I didn't accidentally tuck my dress into my panties or worse, find myself in a stall without toilet paper and be forced to *ahem* drip dry.  Instead, I found myself in a crowded tourist trap restaurant ladies room trying to change not 1, but 2 poopy diapers. 

Did I mention that the bathroom was the size of a shoe box and lacked air conditioning? And that due to poor planning on my part, it was way late and my children were starving and screaming? {We're talking back arched, spaghetti armed tantrums here} To make matters worse, when the changing table was unfolded, it blocked the doors to both stalls making it impossible for the poor women trapped inside to escape. So there I was, holding up the entire line in the bathroom. But no one grumbled a single complaint or gave me a sideways glare. Instead, complete strangers offered sympathetic smiles and one sweet soul even offered to hold the baby while I wrestled with Henry and cursed the adorable jumper I made him wear instead of shorts and a t-shirt. That's when it hit me.

Motherhood is a club. We have an unspoken connection with other woman simply because we are mothers.  Sometimes we swap stories about the joys, triumphs, trials and tantrums. Other times we catch each other’s eye and share a brief glance of recognition before parting ways. 

In the middle of a crowded ladies room, I was reminded that it’s about so much more than finally finding a club where I fit in. Motherhood is a community of women bound together by a shared journey. This community has welcomed me with open arms and for that, I am forever grateful. 


  1. I'm glad you had some nice ladies during that crazy moment.
    Some moms aren't so forgiving; They glare at you like you don't know what you're doing. I guess "those" moms have the "perfect" children!

  2. I love moments like that! Before I had kids I hardly made any connection to strangers but then when I started going out with my daughter, other women would hold open the door for me when I was wrestling with the stroller, make small talk, etc and it was AWESOME.

    p.s I'm following you from the mommy brain mixer!

  3. Oh, wow! Been there!
    I think most moms are sympathetic in situations like that... I mean, if we don't have the support of each other, we'd go nuts! ;)
    Thank you for linking up! New follower from the MommyBrain Mixer!

  4. I'm glad you didn't get the stink-eye! So many times in a similiar-ish situation I've gotten eye rolls. It's amazing when a pregnant mom is standing with her potty trained toddler outside a long line up at a bathroom and how many people don't have the courtesy to let you bump ahead, that one always gets me!

    1. Ugh I completely agree with you Sarah. I always courtesy bump and I hate when others don't return the favor.

  5. You don't get it until you're "in"! Thank God for other moms. And I humbly apologize to all mothers I gave glares to before I got it. Found you on the mommy mixer

    1. I am guilty of doing that too! But once you're in, you're in!

  6. I love it when that happens and someone proves that there are still nice people in the world. New follower from the Mommy Brain Mixer!

    1. Yes, there are still good hearted people in this world and that gives me hope!

  7. Glad that everyone was kind and understanding! Love being a part of the universal "Mom Club."

    I have to ask this -- did you hand the baby to the other lady? I'm not asking to judge, but to observe (even through reading) what you did. On the rare occasion I get out the door without my kids, I almost always find myself in a place where other moms are, often with their kids (namely, grocery and department stores). And I have found myself on more than one occasion noticing a mom who could use a hand, but I've been too cautious to speak up and offer to "hold the baby" for her (or whatever else she needs a hand with) because I don't want her to think I'm a total nutjob because. Let's face it, there are total nutjobs out there sometimes. I'm just curious how you reacted to that because I know I've been in that other lady's position before and didn't know if I should speak up and offer to help.

    1. This sounds bad but yes! But this woman was obviously a mom and grandmother who was so kind I just trusted my instincts. Plus I was literally right there and blocking the exit :) I always offer to help another mom if I see she may need it...just the other night I helped a new mama figure out her bjorn. She was struggling with it and her newborn in the parking lot and she was glad for the help.

  8. Yay Mom Club! I hate it when public washrooms don't have a change table at all, so you're stuck in a cramped space trying to change a baby on a cold tile floor...

  9. Hi,
    I am writing a book called "So...How Did You Meet Anyway?" It is a collection of all types of people's "how we met" stories.
    I have posted the stories which have been sent in on;
    So...How Did You Meet Anyway?
    So,How Did You Meet?
    I am always shopping for stories and I would like to add yours. Please check out the site, and if you would like to contribute your "how we met" story contact me at;
    And if you would like any more information about the blog or the upcoming book, here is a link to a television interview I did recently.

    Take care and...congratulations!

  10. That's awesome that at a rough time like that, you happened to be surrounded by strangers who didn't act like you and your family were a bother but who helped you!
