Monday, October 15, 2012

A Winner and 10 Random Things

The Weekend Giveaway was a huge success! Congrats to Pauline who just won herself some gift cards to Macy's and Starbucks.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank You to everyone who entered and welcome to all of my new blog followers! I thought as a fun way to get to know each other, I would take a minute to share a few random things about myself. 

1.  I'm the baby of 5 children and the only girl. To this day, my brothers still refer to me as "Brat"
2.  I've had the same two best friends since 2nd grade. They are like my big toe's. Meaning, if I were to ever lose them, I would have to learn how to walk again.

3.  I'm terrible at crafting but Hobby Lobby is my favorite store.
4.  I live in a college town in the South where people eat, sleep and breathe SEC football but I'm not a huge fan. There, I said it.

5.  My husband proposed to me in the bathroom. We have travelled to the top of the Eiffel Tower together, cozied up at a pub in London, and dined under the stars in Mexico but he chose to pop the question at home while I had soaking wet hair and and a bath towel on.
6.  I don't like seafood. I've fibbed on more than one occasion and said I was allergic just to avoid the whole "But it doesn't taste fishy" conversation.

7.  I failed my drivers test. Twice. I had to parallel park a stick shift uphill and it wasn't pretty.
8.  I'm scared of balloons. I have been since I was 5 and one popped in my mouth as I was trying to blow it up. I can't go near the section of Party City where they inflate them...the very sound sends me into a cold sweat every time.

9.  I refuse to swim in the ocean. When you enter the ocean, you enter the food chain.
10. I always pictured my life with 2 kids. Having #3 was the best decision we ever made. She fills our hearts and completes our family in ways we couldn't have even dreamed possible.


  1. Ha! No. 9 is pretty much the same reasoning my husband uses to stay out of the ocean. Only he adds that because he's Italian, he's the first thing a sharp with a fine palate would go for.

    Italian food is the best, after all.

  2. Over 2000 entries. That's a success indeed! What cute analogy of your best friends to your big toes, haha, hope they enjoy that too, which I'm sure they will. And fun story about the bathroom proposal!

    1. Thanks Lisa! That was my very first give away and I wasn't sure what to expect.

  3. The food chain thing is the EXACT reason I don't go in the ocean. Who wants to be eaten by a shark? NOT ME.

    I love the line about your bff's and toes. I have the same two best friends since kindergarten. We were all in each others weddings over the past few years. :)

    I don't eat seafood, but my husband is obsessed. Maybe obsessed is an understatement.

    I think it's adorable that your hubs proposed in the bathroom. It's natural at its finest. Too cute. :)


    1. There is nothing like having life long friendships. I've made friends in my adult life but there is just something about the friends you make as kids that help shape your life.
      And yeah, my husband orders seafood every chance he gets because he knows he isn't getting any at home! hee hee

  4. Just found you on the GFC link up and and became your newest glad I did, your blog is adorable! And I love that you hate seafood, I always feel so alone in that and am so sick of the, "What? Are you crazy? It's so good!" comments I get from people. Ugh! It's not good at all. It's vile. Amen.


    1. Thanks for the follow and the compliment! And Amen is right. That shizz is nasty!!

  5. Nice to know more about you! LOL at #9!

  6. (I'm catching up on my blog reading!) #2 is the TRUTH!! There is something about knowing you can call anytime (even if it has been awhile) and chat about anything and everything (without judgement) and pick-up the conversation as if we had just talked yesterday! :) I am grateful for that! I just wished we lived closer...maybe one day! Love ya!!
