Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Do! Toddle Along Tuesday

I remember the day we were married like it was yesterday. After dating long distance for four years, I couldn't wait to say I Do! We got engaged in March and Married that same June...

The only hiccup in our plans happened on the day before our wedding. My fiance at the time, called me that Friday morning and said the words no bride wants to hear. "I've been in an accident."

His voice was trembling and he immediately hung up the phone. I've don't think I've ever made the trip from Greenville to Athens quicker. I was as scared as I think I've ever been.

When I made it to the hospital, he was fine. Thank God, he was fine! He had stitches in his lips and was bruised pretty badly but otherwise okay. I cried tears of relief, and then proceeded to yell a few choice words {something along the lines of thanks for scaring the shit out of me on the eve of our wedding} but in an instant, the importance and significance of our wedding day came into focus, and all of my pre-wedding jitters melted away.

Our intimate garden ceremony took place on a beautiful summer evening as we were surrounded by our closest friends and family. Here's a little peak at where it all started.

The Venue - Historic Falls Cottage, Greenville S.C.

Final preparation before walking down the aisle 

The Ceremony Site

Our Big Moment

I love the simple elegance of hydrangeas

Our first moment alone as husband and wife

The Main Attraction

My Dad was so happy to marry off his youngest ...here he's wishing Stephen Good Luck
What better way to make our getaway than in a Rickshaw
When I think of how scary life can be- the unexpected peering just around the corner- tragedy waiting to erupt at a time when we're most content; the gnawing in my stomach is eased more than I can explain just knowing that I won't have to face anything without my husband by my side. He is my keeper of cool and my sanctuary of solidity.  Here we are three years into holy matrimony and not a day passes that I don't ask myself, "How did I ever got so lucky?" 



  1. I love that last paragraph - so beautiful!

  2. Awww ... Happy Anniversary! Your wedding dress was absolutely beautiful!

  3. happy anniversary!!! :D

    hi there! I saw your blog on GFC blog hop and I'm now following you! I hope you follow my blogs as well... cheers!


    1. My goodness you rock to have 3 blogs! Can't wait to check them out.

  4. Beautiful pictures! You were a stunning bride.

    I say daily as well, how did I get so lucky to have my husband. After all, we dated for 13 years and now, 2.5 years later, I get to say he's my husband. Eek! :)

  5. Beautiful wedding!!! New follower from the GFC Blog Hop! Excited to read more :)

  6. LOL I love the 'final preparations" ;o)

    I started following you from the GFC bloghop at The Life Of A Not So Ordinary Wife. Would love you to follow back http://www.twenty5seven.org

  7. Ummm hello gorgeous bride!! This post gave me chills! I found you through the GFC blog hop and am now following! Would love for you to visit me and join as well!


    1. Aww thanks! Yeah it was quite an emotional roller coaster for sure. Can't wait to check out your blog.

  8. Love hydrangeas! I had blue ones at my wedding too!

  9. Beautiful pictures and love your dress!

  10. Holy cow, you put that wedding together quick! And I can't even imagine how you were feeling on that drive to the hospital, wow. Beautiful photos, by the way :)

    Thank you so much for linking up to the GFC Collective, hope to see you back next week!
    Bre @ Peacoats and Plaid

  11. your dress is so simple and gorgeous. love it!


  12. Absolutely beautiful - and I love the flowers on the cake!

  13. I started following you awhile ago, from The Naptime Review's mingle. Your dress is absolutely beautiful. When my husband and I got married, I wore a princess style dress but if I could do it over again today, I would definitely wear a dress more simply elegant like this....but witha lower back.

  14. Oh man I would have had a heart attack if I'd that kind of phone call the day before my wedding! :O
    Beautiful dress, btw, I love how simple it is.

    1. Oh I had a panic attack for sure! I was worried and sad and mad all the way there....so glad it turned out ok :)

  15. I LOVE your wedding and your dress! So elegant! I totally agree on hydrangeas. So beautiful and classic.

    1. Thanks Sarah! Our whole theme was a southern garden wedding so we wanted yummy comfort food, beautiful flowers, and just a simple vibe all around. It was perfect!

  16. What a lovely wedding! Glad you put the day into perspective but sorry it had to be scary for a moment there!

  17. This is so sweet. I love the simplicity and elegance of it all. I'm glad Stephen was okay and the wedding went on as planned! I found you through Naptime Review's Operation Fabulous and I'm now following you through GFC!

  18. Simply beautiful. Following you from co-hosting the TAT.
