Wednesday, October 17, 2012

SAHM-It's What I Do

Let me say upfront that I have no desire to stir up a debate over stay at home moms versus those that work.  I know that it can be a sensitive topic.  But no matter which hat you wear {and I’ve worn both} we are all entitled to vent from time to time.

Yes, I know I’m incredibly blessed and fortunate to be a stay at home mom. But it wasn’t something we planned...the decision was kind of made for us. When I was out on maternity leave with Henry, the company I was working for at the time up and moved their office about 45 minutes further away from the half hour commute I was already making each way and the pay just didn’t justify me spending 2 ½ hours in the car every day. So when my maternity leave was up, I stayed home.

I just wanted to put that out there. I was never the girl who dreamed of running the carpool and baking cookies for the preschool bake sale. {Although I happily did both today} I always pictured myself as more of a career woman but sometimes life, as they say, is what happens when you are busy making other plans.  

Don’t get me wrong, I never thought for a second that being a stay at home parent would be easy. But even so I had idyllic images in my head about how it was going to be. I would take the kids to the library and perhaps the farmers market. I’d take Caroline to Kindermusik until time to pick up Henry from preschool. Then, we’d sneak in some time at the park until it was time to go home and whip up a healthy dinner with our fresh produce. And the house! The house would be so clean and organized!

Yep, I was going to be different than all of the other stay at home moms who always seem slightly frazzled. And all of the “me” time I was going to get while both babies napped in the afternoon sounded like the cherry on top.

On second thought, maybe I’m not so different from all those other moms after all.

Let’s start with the house. Our house is always a complete disaster. There are toys in places that I didn’t even know there could be. There are piles of crap on every flat surface and I think if a neighbor were to pop by unexpectedly, I would die.

I also didn’t realize how different the kids’ schedules would be. Between school drop-offs and pick-ups, homework, and the baby napping twice a day, there really isn’t much time left for fun activities.

And then there’s the boredom. While I love spending time with each of my children, sometimes I miss the day to day interaction with other adults. I went from a job in sales where I talked to people for a living to having conversations with my toddler about poop while watching Dora for the 13th time.  Sometimes it can all get a little monotonous.

And dear God — the laundry!  I fantasize about donating all our clothes to Goodwill so I don’t have to fold another load of wash.

But all griping aside, there are some pretty incredible perks that come with this job. I enjoy having the freedom to plan my day around the needs of my family. Because I missed so much of Anna’s first years while I was working full time, I have cherished being here for all of the babies’milestones.  I get to wipe away tears and kiss skinned knees. And I love how Henry’s face lights up when he spots my car in the carpool line.  And then there’s this little blog in my life that I never would have seen coming but I love that occasionally, I get a few free moments in the afternoon to sit down and pour my heart into it.

For me, being a SAHM has definitely been a mixed bag. Some days I feel like the luckiest girl in the world and sometimes I dream of going back to work.  For me, it definitely hasn’t been all sunshine and roses but for now, it’s what I do.   


  1. Oh girl, I can SO relate! I feel so blessed to be able to do this even though we struggle financially, but there are days (like today!) when I just want some time to be ME. Not mom, not wife, not the chef, not the housekeeper.... to just be Carrie.
    And free time in the afternoons?? Bahahaha! My little one is such a terrible napper. I am lucky if she stays asleep solidly for 30 minutes at a time. ;)

    I totally, totally understand. I couldn't dream of going back to work again, of doing anything other than being a SAHM right now. But it isn't always easy.
    Oh, and my house is a mess most of the time too. ;P

  2. Ha you described it so well. I work part time but on the days I am home i thought the house would be sparkling clean. I'm lucky if laundry and dinner gets done each day. However I love the days I'm home and taking care of my little guy.

  3. Its a very honorable job. I am a SAHM with only a 22 year old left. I understand the whole boredom thing. I try and keep myself busy. I could get a job but at this point in my life, I just dont want to. I think we are fortunate to be able to be home. I dont think I would trade it. Well maybe if I was a supermodel..... Have a good day!

  4. So I'm not a mama but I do live with my best friend from high school and her 14 month old. I watch her at night after I get home from work while she goes to work. It's crazy. I am so exhausted by the weekend that when my days off from both watching baby and working I just sit around and watch TV all day. Ok, so sometimes I clean but I'm pretty good at picking up the house nightly once the little one is down at 9pm that I usually just have to vacuum and do whatever dishes are left. Oh and my laundry. I can't imagine doing it full time. I am so thankful for going to work some days because when I come home and the Little Princess is more like a Little Monster I wanna rip my hair out. Or when she's so grumpy from not napping that I'm taking her for a car ride just so she'll nap. Yeah if I never got a break from that I'd probably cry. I don't glare at stay at home mom's, I commend them. I will have to be a career woman - for my own sanity.


    1. I can so relate to "the Little Monster" and I truly believe that not all women were meant to be SAHM's...somedays I question my sanity for sure.

  5. This post is perfect, especially the neighbor dropping by. One of our neighbors came by (unexpectedly) to give something to my husband (luckily we were out for a walk when he saw him) and I instatntly freaked (is he going to come in??!!) Then I realized his dog was with him and I let out the biggest inward sigh of relief ever. The pop-in is terrifying. ; )

    New follower!

  6. Newest follower here! I found you through the Monday Mingle! Cute blog, I can’t wait to read more!

  7. I appreciate the honestly, considering you wore both hats before. I am glad you enjoy being a SAHM but that you also miss the time you worked. I work outside the home, and wouldn't trade it to be a SAHM, but there are times I wish I could stay at home and spend oodles of time with my son. But I have a taste of it on weekends, and I'm not sure I'm the best caretaker for J full-time ;). And that's fine too.

    1. In a perfect world, I could work just a few hours a day while my wonderful, warm, and caring nanny tended to the children. :)I could do what I love AND be home for 99% of their day. Perfect!

  8. Yep that sounds right on all counts! And my very nice neighbor gave us a little kids table they were getting rid of. GREAT! Except he then insisted on carrying it through the house and down into the playroom for me. I very nearly died.

    I wish this topic didn't have to be so sensitive. Mommas should all just support each other and know are challenges are all just different! Found you via operation fabulous.

  9. SAHM...I am so with you:) It is both rewarding and the most difficult thing I have ever done:) I love my boys and our house is a disaster too!

    Found you as part of the Operation Fabulous! Stop by and see me sometime;-)

    Heather P.
    Spunky Real Deals


    1. Thanks for stopping by and I will check out your blog. What they say is true, it's the most thankless job in the world but very worth it.

  10. I love this post! I feel like non-SAHMs (even my husband, at times) just can't fathom why our house is always a disaster and I'm STILL months-behind on laundry. I would absolutely die if someone dropped by unannounced! And some days I do feel even more frazzled than when I was working full time... but I love it, and wouldn't trade this time with my daughter for anything. :-)

    1. Oh my gosh my toddler can destruct the house twice as fast as I can pick up. I always say cleaning up while he's awake is like brushing your teeth while eating just isn't happening!

  11. I love staying at home and being with my girls.

    julie @ Naptime Review

  12. LOL!! Your description of your house pretty much fits mine too, though I'm working outside, we're not that much different!! :P

  13. I found you today through the blog hop! This is a great post, once I accepted that you "can't have it all" at once, i've been much more content with the decisions our family makes.

    Lindsay @
    You check out my blog..I think you might like it :)
